HAU in Gulu, Uganda

HAU in Gulu, Uganda
Me in front of HAU's Office on Day 2!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Shirts Are In! Among Other Pictures

Hey All!

Hope you're enjoying your weekends. So far mine's been great! Works been good, I've met a lot of cool people, especially last night at a TAKS Center Cultural Event that included locally made films by the United Youth Entertainment program, spoken word poetry, music performances, dance, and excerpts from intense books based during the civil war. I'll be seeing a lot of the same people tonight, as well as celebrating Menaka's birthday and learning how to cook. 

For now, here's a quick posts with a couple of pictures, including two I've owed you guys for a long, long time. Hope you enjoy them!

Sincerely yours,

Olara Adams
Green short-sleeve

Crazy, long-sleeve club shirt

Locally grown, hot chili peppers

Ethiopian feast

Two baby goats at testing event

Calvin, a Performer at TAKS Center Event singing Country and Christian Music

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