HAU in Gulu, Uganda

HAU in Gulu, Uganda
Me in front of HAU's Office on Day 2!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

Hey Everyone!

Sorry for my absence. Long story short, I haven't been able to post anything up because my backpack was stolen a couple of days before I left Uganda. My laptop, passport, iPad, WHO health card, AIESEC work, and GROW work in addition to many other valuables were left inside, so whoever stole it pretty much hit the jackpot.

Now, I bet you're assuming that I've gotten home safely. It's true! I had to go to the US Embassy in Kampala to attain a new, temporary passport so I could successfully leave the country and travel through London with my family. Thankfully, everything worked out and I had an amazing time. Another post will follow this one, but for now I'll give you guys one full of tons of pictures that I took over the final part of my trip, and some from traveling around in London.

Sorry that they're so out of order - my computer is really bad at formatting all of this. Enjoy!


Me and the bros

Stella, teaching a crowd of people how to use a condom

Championship game at the Sports Gala
Me with Francis's Daughter
Cousin Adam's daughter, Mia
Warm Apple Crumble Pie with Custard
The crowd at the stand of Pece Stadium

Another shot of the Championship Game

Fish n' Chips as a first meal!

My first drink in the UK: Strongbow Cider
Did some sightseeing. It's Big Ben!

Buckingham Palace

Easter Island Statue in the British Museum
Rosetta Stone at the British Museum

Outside the British Museum in London!
Josh, Tabu and I doing a little dance while doing Goat Lending Evaluations

Adam, Mia and I outside of Windsor Castle

British guard outside of the Crown Jewels

View of Tower Bridge from the Tower of London

Me and a rather special Lamborghini

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